We are proud of the messaging gateway and mobile transaction network we own designed specifically to benefit thousands of businesses in the whole Indonesia by delivering and billing your mobile content. Our modern, up-to-date infrastructure uses high-speed Fiber Optic channels connected to all local Telecommunication companies - Hutchinson Telecom, XL Axiata, Telkomsel, Indosat, and Smartfren.

With our specifically dedicated short code you do not have to worry about messaging delays or billing failures: our SMS delivery gateway is processing more than 200 SMS per seconds and the whole process is being monitored by highly qualified specialists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Why don't you take this opportunity to generate much more revenue for your business? We offer Premium and Bulk SMS Services.

Bulk SMS Services

Nowadays every single person has a mobile phone and you should engage with them. Bulk SMS Service is a crucial driver for your marketing campaigns since it lets your customers to feel valued and makes them informed of your ongoing marketing activities.

With our Bulk SMS Service you can drive your business forward by the following activities:

  • Send regular announcements and notifications;
  • Send special offers and promotions to leave your customers engaged;
  • Send updates regarding customers' account;
  • Update your customers with upcoming sales, outlet opening, etc;
  • And many more!

Premium SMS Services

Premium SMS, also referred as PSMS, is the service when a handphone user subscribes to a service to receive various content via SMS and is getting billed based on a fixed charging rate. Currently, Premium SMS service is facing an exponential growth due to many users are willing to pay for a special content they are receiving: if it's some funny stories, horoscope or wallpapers.

With our infrastructure in Funtastik Mobile Indonesia, you may not worry about anything since our Premium SMS Gateway servers are hosted at the world-class datacenter and we are connected to all local Telecommunication companies in Indonesia via high-speed Fiber Optic connection to ensure fast and high-class data transmitting.

Also, we have obtained a certification from KOMINFO to ensure our clients that we are operating legal, reliably and trustworthy, and we comply with all the regulations of the Republic of Indonesia and all local Telecommunication companies. We have specifically developed a system to evaluate the performance of the content provided by Content Providers and we immediately suspend any service if we find any illegal actions from the CP's side. We believe in legitimate business and not supporting any illegal actions.

Our system has a Smart Charging feature which allows Content Providers to be consistent in their revenue growth. Moreover, our system has a Reminder feature which reminds users that their subscription is finishing and if they would like to renew their subscription or not. Also, our system has such features as Real-Time Billing, SMS Keyword Management Tool, Real-Time SMS Delivery Notification Reporting Tool